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sea tour


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Top-rated tours

There’s a reason we are the top-rated travel agency for trips to the Faroe Islands! We utilize our passion, years of experience, and familiarity with the local community to create the most well-planned & unique itineraries you could imagine. When you travel with Faroe Tours, you can rest easy knowing that all the details are handled by a team of experts who care.

Horseshoe Bay, BC


Tours Depart from North Vancouver
June 1 2023 - September 30, 2023

Three (3) hour Marine Wildlife Tours for Humpback Whales, Northern Resident Orca, Biggs Killer Whales, Sea Lions, Seals, Dalls Porpoise, Dolphins.

Horseshoe Bay, BC

Sea otter tours

Tours Depart from North Vancouver June 1 2023 - September 30, 2023

View rafts of Sea Otters on this short boat ride to Vancouver most adorbale marine Mammal. 


Horseshoe Bay, BC

Sea Bird TOur

Tours Depart from North Vancouver June 1 2023 - September 30, 2023

From August to September migrating sea birds gather in Blackfish Sound to feed as the herring come to the surface.

Rhinoceros Auklets , Red-necked Phalaropes , Common Murres, Murrelets , Surf Scoters, Shearwaters, Gulls , Fork-tailed Storm Petrels, Bald Eagles, Pigeon Guillemot and more… 

Bowen Island, BC

Northern pygmy owl tours

Tours Depart from North Vancouver June 1 2023 - September 30, 2023

Tour by vehicle along the back Country of Northern Vancouver Island with minimal hiking

what our travelers say


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